I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but

I'm starting to think there is a socialist, nay communist, conspiracy against Hollywood. In the case of "Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull", Russian communists are calling for a ban of the movie in Russia because of its negative portrayal of communists in the movie:


In the case of "The Love Guru" Hindus are all up in arms about politically incorrect stereotypes of their religion in the Mike Myers comedy.

The only recent movie that stereotypes an Ethnic group negatively and gets away with it is "Borat" which portrays Americans in a negative light.

More and more the world is turning against America and American products. American cinema is still one of our most important exports to the world. If political and religious groups can prevent movies from being played in their countries, then they are able to strike a blow against American industry.

I had heard many negative reviews of the new "Indiana Jones" movie before it was even in theaters. I saw the movie today and really liked it. Sure there were some things in it that were not believable, but when I was able to suspend my belief for 2 hours, I found it quite entertaining. I suspect that there may be a political motive to negative reviews of a movie that is expected to be a big blockbuster hit. Certainly that is my opinion. I hope I am wrong. I would like to give people that benefit of the doubt, but the more and more anti-American rhetoric I hear, the more I suspect that the world has conspired against us in an effort to destroy our way of life, our liberty, and our freedom.