Reasons I am not voting for Mike Huckabee

The following are some reasons I personally am not voting for Mike Huckabee:

He uses demons to control the minds of his followers and will at some point command them to suicide en mass.

He gave me erectile dysfunction.

He doesn't inhale...ever.

Mike Huckabee causes projectile vomiting.

Mike Huckabee voted for Mitt Romney before he voted against Mitt Romney.

Personally believes that everyone is going to hell except for Mike Huckabee.

Always asks himself, "What would Jesus do?" when he's faced with a difficult tee shot that doglegs to the left.

Mike Huckabee believes that Mormons are Satan's brothers and sisters.

The French pronounce his name, "Huck-a-pee".

He will ask Vladimir Putin if he's accepted Christ as his personal Savior.

Mike Huckabee, allegedly, drinks chicken blood.

Mike Huckabee has a level 70 Orc Shaman that he uses to gank lower level Alliance characters in World of Warcraft.

Of course these are all things I've heard, you know more about it than I do. Am I right?