Rosie Equates Radical Islam With Christianity.

It is amazing that people can make radical claims like this and not support them with any evidence at all! Lets examine the facts, had it not been for Christianity, democracy never would have been realized and flourish. This is evident in the fact that christian nations are free nations and tyrannical governments represent largely non-christian countries. This is an some older footage, but a very insightful look into the anti-christian craziness in this country.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What's frightening is that people accept that line of argument without investigating the evidence and drawing their own conclusions. People complain about Fox News being biased. What about Rosie and the communist media? I would hope people would study the facts for themselves and not rely on celebrities for their facts. There is a logical fallacy known as argumentum ad verecundiam or appeal to authority. Just because a person is an authority on something doesn't mean they're right. Didn't ancient scientists believe that the earth was the center of the universe, didn't they believe the world was flat? People just believed it because they were told it was true.

I feel like I'm just preaching to the choir here. If any liberals read this blog, then I could say I was casting my pearls to the swine. :)