Immigrant Ancestors & LDS Converts
By Ronald Douglas Coleman
*Note: I did not write this article. I am sharing it here to: 1. preserve it in case the other site I took it from goes down. 2. Because William Douglass and Agnes Cross Douglass are my Grandfather's grandparents.
The site from which this was taken is Ronald Douglas Coleman's site, Ballybentra.
There is no one now living who knew William or Agnes Cross Douglass. The following biography attempts to describe them and their lives from written recollections and extant records, both here and in Great Britain. This account is a product of thirty years of my research, plus ten trips to Ireland and Scotland, exploring the lands, homes and records of our beloved ancestors. We are soon to embark on an eleventh trip to Ireland. I am sure, as with each trip before, we will come home with greater love and deeper appreciation for William and Agnes Douglass.
Effie Douglass Townsend, who was born in 1876, was a grandchild of William and Agnes, the daughter of Joseph Smith Douglass. She was sixteen when William died and thirty when Agnes died. She well knew her grandparents and has often described them. She recounts that she had a vivid memory of both their appearances and personalities. Effie describes William as a real aristocrat and Agnes much like Queen Victoria:
“He appeared to be proud, yet underneath was sweet and humble. He did not waiver one instant in any decision for what he thought was right or righteous. Of medium height, possibly about 5 feet 6 inches, and inclined to be portly in his later years, he walked with head up and shoulders erect, carrying a beautiful gold beaded cane. This cane he did not need for any support, but was a customary part, like the heavy gold chain which (sic) he wore across his vest with the large gold watch carried in the left hand pocket of his attire as a dignified gentleman.
Perhaps because of the fact that he had learned the tailoring trade in his early days, he had an innate taste for fine materials in his suits. Always he looked immaculate, so much so, that often he was held up for ridicule by the more careless pioneer types of the community. For the winter season he wore black velvet vests and in summer, white linen vests. I remember hearing this story about Grandfather’s white linen vests—it seems he wore a fresh vest every day and if he accidently (sic) got a little spot on the one he was wearing, he changed for a fresh one. Grandmother decided it was foolish of Grandfather to have a fresh vest everyday when perhaps the used one looked perfectly clean so they folded the fresher looking ones, given them a quick runover with the flat iron and placed them back in the bureau drawer used for that purpose. The next day they found all the used, reconditioned vests crumpled on the floor. They could not fool Grandfather.
Have you ever seen a picture of Queen Victoria? Grandmother Agnes Douglass could have posed for one of those pictures. She was inclined to be “pleasingly plump” had medium ash blond hair, always combed away from the face, rolled somewhat on the sides, and coiffure finished with a neat little bun high on the back of her head. Aunt Matilda dressed her each day. Once I stood by watching the process over the shining tresses (which never actually turned gray) a beautiful lace cap was placed, sometimes white and sometimes black. Her dresses were of either soft muslin for summer or cashmere for winter, made perfectly plain with a baroque with a high neck line, buttoned straight down the front to a point usually with about a dozen or more small jet buttons, the button holes being beautifully hand tailored. No zippers in those days. When Grandmother was dressed for church or any festive occasion like a family dinner, she wore black, or some times wine or deep purple, real silk taffeta with flounces or bustle effect the style of the day seeing her thus one would never surmise her hardiness nor guess that she would carry a bed full of mortar up a ladder as a helper for Grandfather when they built, do-it-yourself-style, their first adobe home in Salt Lake City.”
William Douglass descended from a long line of fiercely independent and religious ancestors who fled Scotland during the persecution of the Covenanters in the early 1600’s and settled in the Six-Mile Water Valley[1] of County Antrim, Ireland in what is known as the Irish plantation period.
William was born 2 February 1819 in Ballybentra Townland[2] in the civil parish of Donegore[3], County Antrim, Ireland[4]. The Douglass estate home and farm, called Summerdale[5], where William was born is still in use and in remarkable condition[6]. He was the only known child of his parents Samuel and Agnes Gamble[7] Douglass. Agnes died before 20 November 1824 when Samuel married Mary Farrell[8]. Samuel and Mary had one daughter and then three sons[9].
Samuel Douglass[10] was a farmer who held a lease to one of the six farms in the townland of Ballybentra, which is about twelve miles northwest of belfast. The Ballybentra portion of the Douglass farm was comprised of 83 acres[11], plus an additional 24 contiguous acres in the townland of Ballysavage. Ballybentra abuts Ballysavage on its northern bordeer. This brought the Douglass holdings to 107 acres, a very impressive property for that day. The Douglass farm was located adjacent to Castle Upton in the Village of Templepatrick. Click the ‘maps’ category on the home page to go to the Ballybentra Townland map.
Samuel, a staunch Presbyterian, gave his children every educational advantage. William attended school continuously from childhood until sixteen years of age. He was then given his choice of careers. Family legend indicates William followed his interests and chose tailoring. This displeased his father who thought tailoring beneath the dignity of a member of the Douglass family[12]. It is believed that their disagreement may have caused William to leave home. It can be assumed at that time William apprenticed to learn the art of tailoring, either in Ireland or Scotland, because in about 1841, at the age of twenty-two, he established himself as a tailor in the town of Campsie, Stirlingshire, Scotland. He soon built a prosperous business there.
Please note that a different family legend exists in relation to why William Douglass left his home and went to Scotland. As already reported, William’s father remarried soon after the death of his first wife, Agnes Gamble Douglass. As was then custom, when a man died his oldest son inherited the family property. While William was Samuel’s oldest son by his first wife, Mary also had an “oldest son” by Samuel. It has been passed down through the generations that Mary pushed to have her firstborn son inherit Ballybentra instead of William. Both, or either legend may be true. To date, we have found no proof supporting either scenario.
Agnes Cross, like her future husband, William Douglass, was born in County Antrim, Ireland. Although she professed throughout her life that she was born 6 April 1818 at Carnmoney[13], we found record of her 20 April 1816 christening at the Carnmoney Church of Ireland in the town of Carnmoney, County Antrim. This proves she was not born in 1818. She was therefore, two years older than she admitted and some three years older than William Douglass.
Agnes was the second child and daughter born to John Cross[14] and his wife, Margaret Sarah McCune[15]. Seven more children, five girls and two boys, were born to Margaret and John Cross by April 1833[16].
We are extremely fortunate to have the autobiography[17] of Agnes Cross Douglass. Not only does it provide us with important historical and family data, it gives us personal detail and descriptions available no other way. We gain insight into the family life of the Cross family when Agnes states, “I was much cared for and taught to believe in the Bible and live in the fear of God, by my kind indulgent parents”.
Agnes was educated in the common schools near her home in Ireland, and then became a seamstress and dressmaker.[18]
Margaret Sarah McCune Cross, just thirty-seven years old, died 2 June 1834 in Carnmoney. The oldest child of this family had died at the age of four years, and the fifth child died about 1820 at or soon after her birth. Therefore, when her mother died, Agnes had just turned eighteen and was the oldest surviving child. For nearly ten years, she assumed care of her father’s household and became “mother” to her six siblings, the youngest of whom was just fourteen months old.
It is totally speculative why the recently widowed John Cross packed up his large family and emigrated to Campsie, Stirlingshire, Scotland in 1836 or 1837. It is uncertain when John brought his mother to join his family in Campsie, but she was listed living in his household in the 1841 census there. His mother returned to County Antrim and later died there.
About the time the Cross family settled in Campsie, they joined the Established Church of Scotland[19]. Nine years later, John died at Lennoxtown, Campsie, Stirlingshire, Scotland on 8 October 1845 at the age of forty-six.
Ballybentra, birthplace of William Douglass, and Carnmoney, birthplace of Agnes Cross, are situated approximately nine miles apart. We do not have any evidence or family tradition that Agnes and William knew each other in Ireland. But, having personally visited both of their Irish homes and the quaint little village of Campsie, it seems probable that they must have known each other after they separately immigrated to Scotland. Agnes, with her family, was included in the Scottish 1841 census of Campsie. William Douglass was not listed in the same enumeration, but likely lived close by, perhaps in the nearby city of Paisley that was heavily populated by cloth industry workers.
We know for a certainty that both William and Agnes heard the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints proclaimed by the missionary David Wilkie in the early spring of 1842[20]. We learn from the diary of Andrew Sprowl that David Wilken (sic) preached in Charleston, Paisley Branch, February 17, and on February 28, 1842 he preached at Portland Street, Glasgow. The diary states Elder Wilkie again preached at Charleston on Thursday, 28 May 1842. In the summer of 1842, not long after Agnes and William’s baptisms, Elder Wilkie was sent to labor in Ireland very near the area that William and Agnes had been born and raised. William and Agnes were the only members of their immediate families to join the church. They too were among the early Mormon converts in Scotland.
On 14 October 1842, William Douglass and Agnes Cross were married in Belfast, County Antrim, Ireland. Their first child, Margaret Sarah Douglass who was named after Agnes’ deceased mother, was born on 4 August 1843 at her father’s birthplace in Ballybentra. We know from Agnes’ own hand that her firstborn, Margaret Sarah, was born in the Civil Parish of Templepatick (Ballybentra).
It is less than twenty miles across the channel from Stranraer, Scotland to Larne, County Antrim, Ireland, and throughout time it was common for people to cross back and forth for marriages, christenings, and the like. Stranraer was the closest Scottish port to Ireland. However, the Douglass’ ventured back and forth from Ireland to Scotland traveling by ship from Larne, Ireland to Campsie, Scotland, across the sea and on the Firth of the Clyde Waterway, a distance of approximately a hundred and sixty miles. While Stranraer was closer, the cloth industry center was in and near Paisley and Glasgow.
We are unable to say for a certainty whether they were still residing in Scotland after their conversion and traveling back and forth to Ireland to share their marriage ceremony and the birth of their first child with family still in Ireland, to be with or near Elder Wilkie and the members there, or whether they had returned to Ireland to live. However, the fact that they sailed from Scotland to Liverpool strongly suggests that they had maintained their residence in Campsie.
Five shiploads of Mormon emigrants sailed from Scotland to Liverpool, England in the year 1844. William, Agnes and baby Margaret sailed from Scotland to Liverpool on 10 September 1844. On Thursday the 19th they boarded the ship the “Norfolk” along with 140 other Mormon converts and at 3:15 p.m. sailed from Liverpool for New Orleans, Louisiana, landing on 11 November 1844[21][22]. The “Norfolk” held the twenty-eighth company of Saints to sail for Zion in America, and was the first shipload of converts to sail after the Prophet Joseph Smith was martyred. They arrived in St. Louis, upriver, on 23 November 1844. Several printed family histories state the Douglass’ wintered in St. Louis until the spring of 1845 then resumed their travels to Nauvoo, Illinois. However, in her autobiography Agnes states, “…. in September 1844 and went to Nauvoo, Illinois, where we purchased land and built a brick house, which we were obliged to leave in the spring of 1846 on account of the great mobbings and persecutions from the ungodly.[23]”
William was ordained a Seventy by Jedediah M. Grant in the Nauvoo Temple, 27 October 1845. He was a member of the 31st Quorum of the Seventies in the “City of Joseph”. There were a total of 33 Seventies Quorums in Nauvoo. The Seventies’ Hall was so busy that each Quorum could schedule a meeting only once every three weeks. On 17 January 1846 William Douglass’ name appeared on a list of the sixty-five members paying sixteen cents each for the purchase of consecrated oil for the Endowment and other purposes, and also for the assistance of Joseph Young[24], Senior President of the Seventies Quorums and the brother of Brigham Young.
William and Agnes’ second child, a daughter that they named Agnes, was born at Nauvoo on 28 December 1845, during the height of the persecutions.
Agnes continued her story with, “At that time the mob burned the property of the Saints and mobbed and murdered those who were unable to leave Nauvoo. We left Nauvoo on the sixth day of April 1846, my second child being then three months old.” This of course, was Agnes’ thirtieth birthday.
We feel great appreciation and affection for William and Agnes and their young family when we read her firsthand account of the persecutions and exodus of the Saints. “ We went down the Mississippi River as far as Keokuk on a flatboat and were one day and night out in a very severe rain storm without any shelter. At Keokuk we got on board a steamer and went on down to St. Louis, Missouri. We remained there until the spring of 1848. During that time my husband and I worked hard almost night and day, and accumulated a fitout (sic) of provisions, clothing, etc. for to last us 18 months and a team and wagon.”
It seems surprising that in Agnes’ autobiography she did not mention the fact that their baby daughter and her namesake, Agnes, died while they were in St. Louis earning the necessary funds to finance their trek westward. Agnes, born 28 December 1845 at Nauvoo, died fourteen months later on 24 February 1847. She is buried in the Old Methodist Burying Ground in St. Louis.
We gain insight to William’s character and personality from Orson F. Whitney[25]. He reports, “In April, 1846, the exodus to the West having begun, he (William Douglass) left Nauvoo and went to St. Louis, where he worked at his trade for a time, and then engaged in the mercantile business. He would take goods into the country, sell them and solicit orders for more. He prospered in this line of work. He had a genial, lively nature, and was popular both with the people and with the merchants, who when he made known his intention of moving West, expressed much regret, and desired that he should take a stock of goods and continue business with them after he had reached his journey’s end. Having settled his affairs, and provided himself with a good supply of clothing, farm implements and provisions, he and his family set out for the Rocky Mountains.”
Agnes stated, “We left St. Louis on the 10th day of March with an ox team and arrived at Winter Quarters about the middle of April. We left Winter Quarters on the 17th day of May and on the 18th my oldest son, William John, was born in Potawatomy (sic) County.”
Additional details of their travels and the following account in Agnes’ autobiography are found in History of Utah[26]. “They left St. Louis on the 10th of March 1848, traveling by team to Winter Quarters, where they arrived in time to join the first companies that emigrated to Salt lake Valley that season. They were comfortably outfitted with a new wagon, two yoke of oxen and two cows, and were organized in President Brigham Young’s company, first division, Erastus (sic) Snow, captain. They left Winter Quarters for the Elkhorn, where the companies were organized, on the 17th of May, and the next day, while still en route, Mrs. Douglass gave birth to a child, her eldest son, who was named William John. On May 21st they resumed their journey to the Elkhorn, and on the 2nd of June a general start was made for the mountains. The Douglass family arrived in Salt Lake Valley on the 23rd of September.”
Agnes provides us with personal details of that time with these words, “On the 19th my husband had to return to Winter Quarters to procure some articles that we were in need of and during the time he was gone a very severe storm came on and the sisters who were in attendance being weary had retired, leaving some of my clothing out on the line to dry and not wanting them to get wet I stepped out of our wagon in the strength of Israel’s God and gathered my clothes piece by piece until I had them all tucked in the front of our wagon and I was not one whit the worse for God had given me strength sufficient to my day.”
“On the 20th we resumed our journey, and crossed the Horn River (also called the Elkhorn) on the 22nd, on a raft of our
“We were in the first company, Brother Lorenzo Snow (sic) the Apostle our captain. We traveled over trackless prairies, made bridges and made our wagon roads, except some few times when we could find and follow the pioneer’s track, who had traveled the same road in 1847.”
“We arrived in Salt Lake Valley on the 23rd of September 1848, having stopped two days at Green River so that President Brigham Young and company might get in head of us. At the time when we arrived, there was not a street, house nor a fence where Salt Lake City now stands. All there was barren waste.”
William, Agnes, Margaret Sarah and William John Douglass were just four of the 4,000 Mormon pioneers who crossed the plains and arrived in Great Salt Lake City during the year 1848. Although they celebrated their safe arrival, they never forgot baby Agnes, born during the height of the persecutions in Nauvoo, who at the age of fourteen months they had buried in St. Louis.
We learn additional specific details pertaining to our pioneer’s trek across the plains from The Church Emigration Book, Volume 1, 1830-1848. The following chronological items give additional insight to the contributions they made and the challenges the Douglass’ and their fellow travelers faced:
• 1 May 1848 Brigham Young held a 10:30 a.m. meeting at the store in Winter Quarters. He said that those going west to meet at the Elkhorn. William’s company built a bridge over the Papillion River, as it shortened the trek over three miles
• 2 Jun 1848 (Friday) Lorenzo Snow’s Hundred started yesterday (Thursday, June 1st)
• 12 Jun 1848 Lorenzo Snow’s Company crossed the loup Fork on the banks of the Platte River
• 25 Jun 1848 They were on the banks of the Platte River and had traveled 21 days averaging 14 2/3 miles per day and they laid by for nine days (rested)
• 9 Jul 1848 W. W. Phelps composed the hymn, “The Saints Upon the Prairie” while with the first company, including the Douglass’, who were all in Ash Hollow area (The Second Division, under the command of Heber C. Kimball, was seventeen miles behind them)
• 12 Jul 1848 First Company in sight of Chimney Rock, Wyoming
• 13 Jul 1848 Camped at ancient bluff ruins, 419 miles from Winter Quarters, eighteen broken down wagons and six without cover who came from Salt Lake; on traveling days started about 7:30 a.m. and stopped for each day and unloosed the cattle at about 3:30 p.m.
• 19 Jul 1848 Laramie Peak in sight
• 20 Jul 1848 Porter Rockwell arrived in their camp and brought mail from Salt Lake City; stopped at Green River for two days
• 11 Aug 1848 Wolves mauled our stock in great number; passed under Independence Rock
• 16 Aug 1848 More cattle died; “bad water”
• 20 Aug 1848 Last crossing of the Sweetwater; Lorenzo Snow’s Company started across first
• 24 Aug 1848 frost in buckets, ¾“ of ice
• 30 Aug 1848 Wednesday On the Sweetwater, 764 ½ miles from Winter Quarters
• 16 Sep 1848 Ice freezes in buckets; frosty mornings
• 23 Sep 1848 Saturday First Company arrived at Great Salt lake City
Land distribution in Salt Lake City in 1847 and 1848 was by apportioning, by lottery, city lots to applicants with permission for building. A city lot could be bought for $1.50, with $1.00 of that going to the surveyor and the remaining 50 cents to the clerk for recording. Each allocation and subsequent deeds and transfers were written by hand on pieces of paper, two by three inches[27].
An exhaustive search of the Salt Lake County land records finally disclosed a reference to a document having been filed in the office of the Salt lake County Recorder showing William Douglass to be the “original occupant” of all of Lot 5, Block 13, Plat “B”, Salt Lake City Survey[28].
Agnes relates, “On the 6th of October there was a conference held in the camp where council was given that the brethren should organize into companies for the purpose of cutting hay, making adobies (sic), timber, etc. which was gathered together and was divided so that all had hay for their animals and shelter for themselves for the winter.” William went with the haying party[29].
Agnes continues, “In 1849, my husband mixed the mortar and layed (sic) the adobies (sic) to build our first house in the valley. I, waiting on him, carrying the adobies (sic) and mortar.”
Throughout the years, Agnes and William related to their offspring how in 1849, William mixed the mortar and laid the adobes with the mortar to build them a good, albeit humble home. Agnes assisted by mixing mud with her feet and carried the mortar and bricks. Their home still stands.
“That same year when our crops were coming up green, the crickets were so numerous that to all appearances, the crops would be destroyed by them when suddenly there came such numerous floods of seagulls and covered the lots like a heavy fall of snow and devoured the crickets, eating and vomiting until they had the crickets all destroyed and saved our crops.”
“In 1855 there was what is known as the grasshopper war when many suffered for want of food, but through the blessing of God myself and family were provided for and never suffered through want. During the scarcity of food there was a honey dew (sic) accumulated on the trees, which lasted for a number of weeks. The people gathered and made it into cakes like maple sugar and payed (sic) a tithing of it the same as any other product.”
“We lived in Salt Lake City in peace, with the exception of the Indians who were troublesome at times, until 1858 when James Buchanan, being then President of the United States, sent an army, the flower of the government, out to thwart the purposes and work of the Almighty God. We then vacated our homes and were ready to put the torch to them if necessary, but what was meant for our destruction by the government, God turned for the good of His people. The inhabitants of the Salt Lake City and northward moved south and the Army marched through the city and to the southwest where they settled a fort known as Camp Floyd, the erection of which gave employment to many of our brethren.”
“In 1858 and 1859 we raised good crops and supplied the army with grains, vegetables, etc. and thereby procured everything that the people needed to make them comfortable.”
“The army remained at camp Floyd until the Civil War between the north and south in 1862 (sic) when it was called back, leaving the Saints in comfortable circumstances through the blessing of God.”
During the ten years that William and Agnes lived in the First Ward of The Great Salt Lake City, as it was then called, five more children were born, namely Samuel, Matilda, Eliza R., Joseph Smith and Mary Elizabeth[30]. All five were born in that first humble adobe.
It is noted that the sixth child born to Agnes, named Eliza R. Douglass, was born and died there on 23 July 1853. Margaret Sarah Douglass, firstborn of William and Agnes, died in Salt Lake City on 22 July 1854. While there are extant records of the cemeteries in Salt Lake City for that time, no record was made of their burials. Perhaps they were buried on family property instead of a cemetery, or records simply were not generated for all burials at that time. A search of the computerized burial records of extant records for the entire state, available online from the Utah State Historical Society, also failed reference them.
Salt Lake First Ward, originally called First Camp, was organized on 22 February 1849, with David Fairbanks as Bishop. It comprised the territory south of Sixth South to Thirteenth South and from Sixth East to the mouth of Emigration Canyon. The land east of Ninth East was open country with gullies, ravines, small streams and the habitat of plentiful wildlife.
Our Douglass’ had built an adobe home on southeast corner of Seventh South and Eighth East, directly across from the site of the original First Ward building still at that location. The address of the original adobe, still standing, was 729 South Eighth East. The Presiding Bishop, who controlled all property at that time, assigned that particular parcel of land to William for a home site.
William and Agnes Douglass were active participants in the settlement and development of the First Ward and Salt Lake City. They also mingled with the early Church leaders and the pioneer Saints.
Orson F. Whitney reports, “He (William Douglass) assisted in making canals, irrigating ditches and other public improvements, and aided with his means during the early troubles with the Indians”[31]
They saw many of the early improvements in the Great Salt Lake Valley including a gristmill and a sawmill built during 1848 and 1849. Brigham Young supervised the construction of an apartment building at the corner of Sixth East and Sixth South. It was built to accommodate the workers of the mills. Alexander Brim built a tannery, on Seventh South between Eighth and Ninth East. A brother Moon built a multi-story apartment building for his wives on Seventh South and Eighth East. On the opposite corner he built a blacksmith shop. William Henry Warburton established his blacksmith shop on Seventh East between Sixth and Seventh South. Because a grocery store was needed nearer than the ones downtown on Main Street, Joseph Warburton built a small frame building on the corner of Seventh East and Seventh South and began a grocery that served the locals for many years before it was replaced by a brick store.
Other early improvements include the first drug store on the corner of Seventh South and Seventh East that was built and operated by Doctor John Milleron. Carpenters were in great demand because houses and buildings were needed for the many new residents and their animals. Brother Wardle, a contractor and builder, established a carpenter shop on Eighth East between Sixth and Seventh South.
The first school in the Ward was held in the home of Sarah J. Bement at 629 East Eighth South. The house was a story and a half structure with meager furnishings and was not equipped with blackboards, comfortable desks or efficient lighting. Textbooks were limited and conditions were generally primitive.
It was while living in the First Ward that Agnes joined the Relief Society. In her words, “I commenced my labors in the Relief Society while I lived in Salt Lake City and have been associated with it since 1854 an have taken an active part in doing good to my fellow beings and organizing societies of improvement.”
During the “Great Move of 1858”, William was asked by Brigham Young to take his family and colonize in Payson, Utah. Obediently, William and Agnes relinquished their property and the home they had built when they entered the Great Salt Lake Valley back to the Presiding Bishop and it was exchanged for property in Payson that subsequently became the site of Douglass home and businesses.
The Douglass’ built a substantial home in Payson on the corner of Utah Avenue and Main Street. Their long adobe home was on the northeast corner. The gabled room on the east became the first Douglass store. It stocked everything from oats to ladies bonnets that were millinered by Agnes[32]. Agnes operated the first millinery in Payson. Originally she used one room in her home. Click on the pictures link on the home page of this site to see a picture of their home.
According to Orson F. Whitney, “During the Blackhawk War William Douglass acted as commissary for the militia and aided materially the companies sent from Payson to protect the inhabitants of the Indian-raided districts.”
In 1861, William established a mercantile business, in which he prospered. Eight years later on 9 January 1869, he with others, founded a cooperative mercantile store. He personally put a large amount of merchandize to start the business, and in which he took stock[33]. For twelve years he was it’s successful superintendent.[34]” He also took stock in the Provo Woolen Mills and in the Z.C.M.I in Salt Lake City.
William’s expertise as a tailor, small business owner in Scotland and St. Louis, coupled with his faithful service and obedience in Salt Lake City likely contributed to his call to serve as superintendent. This mercantile was an extremely successful venture under his leadership, to the benefit of the stockholders and himself. William always kept the financial books for his businesses and the cooperative.
One account is given of William’s merchant trips to Salt Lake City for stock[35]. “Each trip involved a certain amount of risk as he usually carried several months worth of cash on his person. The country was sparsely settled and the trail by buckboard or ox-team was a long lonesome one, taking usually two to four days. On these occasions William carried a bamboo cane. Its handle was attached to a stiletto that was cleverly concealed inside the hollow stick. He was never called upon to use it, but there is little doubt that he could have ably defended himself.”
Marie Douglass Stevenson Stewart, great-granddaughter of William and Agnes Douglass and longtime resident of payson, further describes security at the Douglass Mercantile, “The accumulation of cash that piled up between journeys was another problem. Then as now, there were those who watched and waited for the opportune time to rob a store. A great deal of ingenuity was demanded of the merchant to protect himself. The day’s receipts were hidden in the bottom of a bean barrel, the toe of a boot, or any other place the storekeeper felt a thief would not be likely to look. Though William went to great lengths, even to putting bars on the windows, his store was broken into several times. To prevent robbers from damaging his new safe, where he kept only important papers, he hung a sign on the door: ‘This safe is unlocked’. One time he was awakened by noises and caught two thieves in the middle of ransacking his store. He thought he had taken them by surprise, but instead they surprised him by making their getaway through a large hole in the wall that must have taken many nights to chisel out. The snow that had counted on to cover their footprints had stopped falling and they were easily tracked to a straw stack where the loot was recovered.”
In 1880 or 1881, he retired from the cooperative and established a general mercantile business, named Douglass And Sons, with his oldest son William John Douglass[36]. Other sons joined them in the venture for a while before venturing out in other independent businesses.
William built a fine commodious store across the street from his original, which was then one of the best in Utah County[37]. The new store building was of frame construction with a high front. Above the main outside entrance was the inscription, “IN HOLINESS TO THE LORD” arched above the All-seeing Eye of Jehovah. The same symbol was above the entrance of each of the stores he had operated. Brigham Young had directed that these signs should be erected for the purpose of indicating to members of the church that in patronizing the store that displayed the sign, they were patronizing member of their own faith, a significant factor for church unity. President Young believed that the cooperative movement would it make possible to bring goods to Utah and sell them at low enough prices so all could afford to buy. The profits would go to the Mormon themselves[38].
William gave Agnes use of the original store where she sold bonnets, many of her own making. She was the first milliner in Payson. A few years after William built his new mercantile store, he had built two more two-story buildings, namely the Joseph Douglass building across the street and the Samuel Douglass Building one block south.
William John remained in business with his father until William’s death in 1892. Afterwards William John Douglass operated the store independently until his own death in Payson on 25 November 1905. William was very cautious and prudent and manifested remarkable enterprise in his own business methods. He also taught his sons and daughters well and they too succeeded in business. The Douglass and Sons store thrived until the 1940’s.
Effie Townsend gives great detail about the Douglass and Sons Mercantile, other business matters involving William Douglass and the Douglass family home[39]:
“Grandfather William Douglass became, from the small beginnings of a single large wooded dry-goods-box from St. Louis containing clothing and piece goods, one of Payson’s leading merchants. He had a keen sense of values, instinctively knew how to buy, how to gain the people’s confidence in selling and was a natural leader both in his family and with the public. Also, he kept his own books and always knew his own financial condition. All these qualities, coupled with the helpful frugality of his wife, made for success. His business was styled William Douglass and Sons. Naturally the whole family worked in the store, taking care of the stock and ‘clerking’ as they called it in those days. The final large two story building that William erected for his retail business, was on the corner, N.W. opposite the old home on Payson Main Street. A number of smaller frame buildings were attached on the west side of the brick building and still farther back was a large shed covering all kinds of farm implements. About one fourth of the city block was thus occupied. North of the building and between it and the old Fairbanks residence was a large adobe “Hall”. This hall William Douglass rented for storage of grain. The merchandise in the largest building consisted of dry goods, groceries, dishes, cooking utensils, clothing and shoes. The shoes and men’s clothing were kept upstairs. The clothing was neatly folded on long tables and covered with large white covers, while not being shown to customers. I must describe the stairway. It ran up in the back from the center of the store in a short mezzanine landing and then from both sides were shorter stairways leading to the second floor. To me as a child, this stairway was an ornate thing of beauty, constructed as it was of fine mahogany, the supporting spindles being beautifully carved, and the steps carpeted. It seemed like the vista leading to a grand hotel ballroom. This showed Grandfather’s excellent taste for fine things.
At the rear of the store was a small office with a desk. Here Grandfather kept his ledgers and worked part of the day “keeping books” A small window or opening near his desk gave merchant Douglass a good view of what was going on in the store. I almost forgot to tell about the wonderfully privileged large gray cat that sat on the desk or in the window. He was one of our Grandfather’s pets. The other was a canary which sang its head off almost, when Grandfather used a little wooden gadget which he kept in his pocket. When this was turned the right way between thumb and forefinger, it made a few notes like a canary singing.
No effort was ever made to make window displays. Outside the two front windows of the main store, such implements as hoes, shovels, rakes, etc. were on display, and also (what an item for collectors) were all sizes of heavy brass kettles, gleaming in the sunlight or catching the rain. Above the shelving about the middle of the west wall of the main storeroom, hung a very beautifully embossed framed motto which declared William Douglass’ characteristic attitude in his dealings with his fellow townsmen and showed his real moral fiber. It read, “Do Right and Fear Not”. The frame was oval and black, ornamented with a carved design. The lettering stood out boldly in beautiful old English. The “Do Right” was a vivid blue, and the “Fear Not” was a rich dark red, all lettering being accented with gold trading. This really fascinated me and were I now its possessor I would feel I had a real heirloom.”
The home of William and Agnes Douglass was on the lot which later came into possession of Mary Elizabeth Douglas Lemmon, daughter of William Douglass, who married Hyrum Lemmon. The Lemmons built a nice brick house on the lot and this is now (1961) the home of same Elizabeth Dixon McClellan, Granddaughter of William and Agnes. The old home, as we always thought of it, and later acquired, occupied the east half on one whole block, bordered on the East by Main St., on the North by First North, South by what was styled Depot St. The main adobe building of this home was once the store building and stood square with the N. E. corner of the city lot. The real home with its long front porch facing North and sloping roof to the South was added to the old store building, and was quite pretentious for those times. In the front part of the house, and next to the store building, was the master bedroom. Next to this going westward was a small family sitting room and library. In one corner of this was a boxed-in stair leading to three bedrooms above. Next to the sitting room West was the beautifully furnished old parlor only used (as was customary) for real state occasions. This I must describe to you more fully. Jane Elizabeth Dixon, who with her mother, Aunt Matilda, lived at the home and I had many a surreptitious peeps into this parlor. This room was beautiful and ornately furnished. To me as a child it could have been the abode of a real fairy princess. The walls of the parlor were white, the floor was carpeted with a rich (probably axminister) soft textured all over seamed floor rug in large flowered design, mostly in shades of rose. At the far west end of the room was a fireplace with black marble mantle above which was an exquisitely carved gold-framed mirror reaching from ceiling to floor, slightly tilted forward. This also was framed in carved gold. The beautiful white lace curtains at the windows were draped to either side of same, resting on ornate carved arms, terminating and exposed to the front with a single large gold leaf. A large square grand piano, ebony, with plush covered round adjustable stool was part the furnishing in this room, an elaborately carved, walnut table took one wall space, on which was placed the usual glass globe of wax flowers. The chairs were also of dark wood, with carved Queen Ann legs, round seats and oval backs and were upholstered in beautiful blended flower design. The parlor was not on the same level as the sitting room, one had to step up one or two steps, have forgotten how many. Near this door in a little niche was a Coocoo (sic) Clock which was a never ending wonder to all the Grandchildren.
Grandmother Agnes seemed to be always sitting in a rocker near the front window of the sitting room reading or doing some kind of hand sewing. She wore gold-rimmed glasses. When one entered the room and was in her presence she seemed to be looking through one as it were. I always seemed to have a guilt complex in her presence, not that she was not tolerant and forgiving but she expected every member of the family to live strictly all the laws of the gospel. Aunt Matilda’s domain seemed the low long kitchen, and the pantry on the south of the sitting room under the sloping roof. She was a wonderful person and took very good care of Grandmother. She was an excellent cook. The kitchen floor was covered with a rag carpet, a huge and old fashioned wood and coal stove (huge) with a high warming oven and water reservoir at one end which needed filling each day to insure plenty of hot water. When a meal was served in summer time (using the East end of the kitchen), on a large drop leaf table, a large rotating fan, with two large black wings looking like a bird of prey, was placed in center of the table wound with a huge key and then it began to rotate. This was not for cooling the atmosphere but to keep the flies away from the food. They also had wire covers for most platters, a modernized version which can be had to this day.
My memory of the large pantry with its huge wooden door cupboard seems to be centered on two things, first the strings of spiked and threaded hunks of bread hanging in festoons at all angles from convenient anchorage and secondly of the large table covered with hundreds of creamy fat silk worms feeding on mulberry leaves. One might have called these unusual projects “Grandmother’s Hobbies”. Nothing was ever wasted in this house. The bread was dried and saved in case of famine. Later a separate adobe one room building was erected south of the kitchen and a meeting place for the Grandchildren when our mothers visited in the regular family quarters.
On a trip to Salt Lake City, Grandfather purchased one of those German music boxes with pin studded brass rollers over which perforated rolls of paper could be wound by inserting the groove and turning a handle. We had only three or four rolls which were played over and over again. Old Grimes as one and Auld Lang Syne was another. I can just see cousin Charlie Dixon now, grinding out these wonderful old tunes. He considered this his prerogative to put on the show and would not let any one of the cousins do the turning.
The little half-block, the old home, the barn, the orchard, the vegetable garden, and lastly the flower garden, seemed like a large country estate. Thus the things of our childhood memories assume such magnified proportions. In season we all ate our share of red June apples and the big sweets. We played croquette under their shade and did a little of magical childhood courting when we were privileged to bring home some of our friends. My husband, all through the years talked nostalgically about the red June apples and the vegetable garden. In a little corner West of the parlor had a row of sage, also some wormwood which I was forced to sample a lot. Next to the picket fence on the Main Street side were planted old fashioned pinks, peonies, pansies, and bleeding hearts. Children could stop and look through the white pickets and sometimes tried to reach a coveted flower. Grandmother’s favorite was the bleeding heart, because of its significance on the Douglass Coat of Arms.“
William was known as charitable, benevolent, straightforward and honorable in his dealings and “Do right and fear not” was his personal motto[40]. He was of a jovial disposition and always enjoyed good clean wit.
While William operated the mercantiles and other business ventures, Agnes chose to devote countless hours researching and documenting both the Douglass and Cross genealogies. Agnes took the opportunity to return to the land of her birth in 1873 when she went to Great Britain, laboring for some time doing genealogical research. She also accompanied her son, Samuel, to the homes of their families still in Ireland and Scotland, and then home from his mission to Great Britain. They sailed home on the ship, the Nevada, with other Mormon travelers in July 1873. The Mormon Immigration Index – Personal Accounts, includes the following account:
“Departure of the Third Company. On Thursday morning last, at 10 o’clock, the fine steamship, Nevada, Captain Forsyth, left Liverpool, for New York, with 283 souls of the Saints on board. Of this number there were 150 from the Swiss and German Mission. With only a few exceptions all the Saints in this company are booked through to Utah. Elder Elijah A. Box is placed in charge of the company and is assisted by Elders George Crisman, D. Cazier and N. H. Clayton, all of whom are returning missionaries. Elder Henry J. Smith, who speaks German, will assist Elder Box, as far as Omaha, with the Swiss and German Saints. Elder Erastus Snow who has traveled during the last three months, through the Scandinavian Mission, instructing and comforting the Saints, also embarked on the Nevada n his return home. Sister Douglas (sic) and her son, Brother Samuel Douglas (sic), junior (sic), after spending several weeks among their relatives in Great Britain, also return home with this company. Our prayer is that these returning elders and Saints may be carried safely over the ocean and on the railroads, and that when they reach the land of Zion they may rejoice in the society of relations, friends and acquaintances.”
In 1891, Agnes again accompanied a son on a mission to Great Britain. She and her youngest son, Joseph Smith Douglass, went to Ireland and Scotland where she again collected a large number of Douglass and Cross related names and data for temple work. Joseph was married and the father of four and one on the way when he was called on this mission.
Agnes engaged many of her immediate family in performing the sacred temple ordinances for these ancestors over the years. With great personal sacrifice she traveled to the Logan Temple to do this vicarious work. Her ‘Temple Record Book’ lists the names and dates in her own hand.
Marie Stewart also provides great insight to life in the William Douglass home. She declares, “The following years brought many luxuries. William was indeed Payson’s Magnificent Amberson. He and his wife were the natural host and hostess for the town’s visiting dignitaries. Their home, with its lush Georgian furniture, provided the proper setting for fine entertaining. Brigham Young, a close personal friend, was an overnight guest on many occasions.”
It is best to use Marie’s exact words to further illustrate their lives [41]:
“William’s youngest daughter, Mary Elizabeth, was a bright eyed beauty, and had a wit with an edge on it like her father’s. She was the apple of his eye and very close to him, refusing to leave his store even after she married. Finally, her husband, Hyrum Lemmon, built a store of their own.
His other daughter, Mrs. Charles Dixon, and her three children made their home with her parents. She was widowed shortly before her little girl, Jane Elizabeth, was born. These little grandchildren added much life to the household, and made more mischief than William ever knew. He was in the habit of having a hard-boiled egg for breakfast. His little granddaughter Jane took a great interest in this egg for occasionally he didn’t eat it. Before the hired girl could clear the table, Jane would slip it into her pocket, and later in the day exchange it for candy at her grandfather’s store. Its sale never failed to bring back an enraged customer. No double William spent many hours pondering over who the culprit was who was selling him hard-boiled eggs.
Before the railroad came to Payson, William had a fine buggy sent out from St. Louis. He had to travel by horse to American Fork to get it. It was drawn by two fine Hamiltonians, the first of that breed in Payson. They were grained and groomed until their coats glistened in the sun. William and his wife indeed made a fine pair as they drove up in their new buggy each Sunday for church. So fine that a sermon was preached cautioning the congregation to refrain from trying to out-do their neighbor in their attire. William knew they were speaking directly to him. The next Sunday instead of dressing in his usual silk top hat and frock coat, he appeared in the old clothes that he wore to do his chores. His wife wept when she saw him and he reconsidered.
Young Bill Calkins did the driving and was a boy of fifteen when he went to work for the proud and peppery Scotchman. He was hired for fifty cents a day and on one occasion to pull the nails out of packing boxes and stack the boards neatly by the house. He finished the job in good time and was told to report for work the next morning. The next day his task was to move the boards back under the shed where the boxes had been originally. On the third day to his astonishment, he was told to bring them over by the house again. So this went on day after day, moving the boards back and forth from one place to the other. Finally, at the end of the week he was paid with a five dollar gold piece. “ I have no change sir,” stammered the youngster. “That’s your pay son,” William replied. Somewhat bewildered, Bill asked hesitantly, “What are the extra two dollars for?” “For doing your work and keeping your mouth shut,’ was the answer. Bill never forgot this incident and retold it many times.
William, no doubt believed that when a man earns what he has, he appreciates the value of a dollar. Once his son Samuel, after washing his hands at his father’s store, went to throw the water out the back door and accidently (sic) threw the china bowl with it. He knew his father well and hurriedly put the broken pieces in with the trash and replaced it with a new one exactly like it. But, William discovered the broken basin and bringing the pieces into the store where his sons were busily working said, “I don’t suppose anyone here knows anything about this?” There was no answer. As William returned the broken bowl to the trash, he said to his little grandson Samuel Jr., “A fool and his money are soon parted.”
A glimpse into William’s tender side comes from her story about his cat. William kept a cat in his store, across the street from his home, and every morning carried a saucer of milk across the dirt road to his dear pet.
We are extremely grateful to Marie for her generosity and sharing her memories and research with us since 1986. Her devotion to all generations of our Douglass family throughout time can never be repaid.
Diaries and journals of Payson residents provide us with little vignettes of life in the little town of Payson during the 1880’s[42]. Despite all the early hardships of establishing homes and businesses, the Douglass’ and their neighbors enjoyed many celebrations and holidays. It is noted that the Douglass home was often used during such festivities.
“Tuesday May 5, 1883, the Sunday School held a grand festival in Dixon’s Grove to day (sic) and had a very orderly time under the comeets (sic-committees ?) there was swinging and running, and walking and wheel barrow running and quailing and picking up balls and cquoting (sic-croquet ?) and plenty of music from three bands and the select band took the best by all odds, then dancing in the Hancock Hall and on Douglass’ Cellar floor for the small children till six p.m. when the City Hall and the Hancock Halls were opened to the more stronger dancers and was kept up with great spirit and vigor till morning.”
“Wednesday July 4, 1883, grand celebration firing of cannon, flags flying, meeting house full and good time in general. Matinee in the Opera House for the children at 2 p.m. and at night a good play and a good house dance in the Huish Hall, rain in the afternoon, high wind and dust, the day past of well and no one hurt, plenty of ice cream to be had for the cash.”
“Tuesday July 24, 1883. Pioneers (sic) Day guns firing at day light, music by the bands, then more musket firing, the people all alive, the bell is now ringing for the gathering of the people 9 o’clock a.m. the grand procession marched though the principle streets of the city then to the meeting house when everything was represented that could be then dancing in the afternoon for little children and for the larger children in the evening, a grand performance in the evening.”
“May Day, 4 July and 24 July were all commenced by firing of guns and serenading by the bands, going to the home of prominent people and playing a tune, then a parade down Main Street. On May Day there was always a May Queen with her maids, the queen was crowned after the program then the maids danced around the May Pole.”
“The program sometimes was given in the Tabernacle and sometimes in Dixon’s Grove. The Declaration of Independence was always read by someone, songs were sung and a stump speech given. In the afternoon there were many kinds of races for children and a dance, in the evening there were dramas presented and a dance. Lemonade, candy and ice cream were sold. The ice cream was made in a large bucket, the bucket was placed in a tub of ice, some of the strong boys would turn the bucket back and forth by the handle, the lid was taken off now and then so the cream could be thoroughly stirred, then turned in the ice again until the cream was frozen. Those helping to freeze the cream was (sic) given a free dish of ice cream. A great day could be enjoyed for twenty-five cents.”
Agnes, who had joined the Relief Society organization in Salt Lake City, continued her service in the Relief Society in Payson and remained active as a leader until her death. The Relief Society was organized in Payson on May 7, 1868, and its members were given the task of helping the poor and aiding the distressed. Agnes was called as First Counselor of the Payson Ward Relief Society to President Betsy Jane Simons. She served in this capacity for twenty-four years[43]. The Relief Society had been organized in Payson twelve years earlier, but when the president, Rachel Drollinger[44], left for the Muddy Mission the unit became inactive. Agnes took lifelong pride in the service she rendered the Relief Society and her community.
Agnes obviously was an important woman’s leader in the state of Utah. She was one of the thousands of female church members who battled for rights. On 6 March 1886, a mass of representative Mormon women from various parts of Utah convened at the old Salt Lake Theater to protest against their impending disfranchisement through the Edmunds Bill and against what they believed to be mistreatment by federal officers and courts. Their vitalized speeches led to the framing of a memorial by a committee of twelve chosen from their number. Agnes Douglass of Payson was honored to be chosen one of the twelve, and her name is penned on the original document delivered to Washington D.C. While their efforts did not change the law, they powerfully registered their resistance to the persecution of polygamists, the loss of the right to vote by any “suspected” as being a polygamist, and the general loss of civil rights to a large number of Utah residents.
There were many newspaper reports of these twelve women, and those they represented, and their valiant endeavors during that time. Later, in a historical report of representative women of Utah, the picture of Agnes and two of the other women who signed the petition appeared with an lengthy article on page 6 in the Daily Herald on Monday, July 15, 1963.
William Douglass held the office of High Priest, to which he was ordained on the 21st of August 1870[45]. He died in Payson, Utah on 19 August 1892. His death was a result of compassionate service rendered when he and his sons labored throughout the night attempting to put out a fire at a neighboring business. That property was a total loss and William’s lungs were damaged. He never totally regained his health. William was buried in the Payson City Cemetery two days later, the funeral having been conducted from his home, which was the custom of the day[46].
An obituary of William Douglass appeared in the local newspaper on 25 August 1892. It reads:
Passes Away
Died --- At his home in Payson, on last Friday, August 19th, at about 10:30 a.m., William Douglass, of hemorrhage of the lungs. Aged seventy-three years.
Funeral services were held at the home of the deceased on Sunday afternoon, and were largely attended.
Mr. Douglass was born on the 2nd of February, 1819, in County Antrim, Ireland, emigrating to the United States in 1844,thence to Salt Lake City in the year 1848. In 1858, ten years later, he came to Payson, where he has lived until his death.
As an old pioneer who opened the path of civilization across the continent, he was classed; was esteemed and respected by everyone who knew him, and had acquired much of this world’s greatness.
Our friend who has gone away had someway learned the secret of good cheer. Life was not able to sour him. He carried with him the heart of a child through and out of the world. He feared not death, for he loved God, he loved his country, he loved his neighbor. He never came to the days when he said “I have no pleasure in them.”
Tenderly we bear this body to the Payson Cemetery ground – the camp of eternity, with the following tribute:
Put out the lights,
He will not need them more;
His work is done, his feet have gained
The fairer, purer shore.
Put out the lights,
The shadows are all past,
And everlasting glory breaks
Upon our friend last last (sic).
Deceased leaves a wife and family, and many friends to mourn his loss.
In the same newspaper is a note of appreciation. It reads:
“Card of Thanks. Mrs. A. Douglass and family desire to express heartfelt thanks to the many friends who extended sympathy and kindness during the sickness and death of their husband and father; also do they desire to thank the Silver Band and Payson Choir for the sweet music rendered at the funeral services of the deceased.”
In a separate article in the same edition, “The Payson Silver Band played ‘Nearer My God to Thee’” and other appropriate selections at the funeral services of Mr. Douglass. They were considered a favor by his family, and the band must have known that Mr. Douglass was a lover of their music, as he had frequently expressed himself.”
The death of William Douglass was also reported in Church Chronology: A Records of Important Events Pertaining to the History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints , 1892, page 199:
Friday, August 19 – William Douglass, an old citizen died at Payson, Utah County.
We find it interesting that William Douglass did not bequeath anything specifically to his wife by will or deed. He undoubtedly trusted implacably in his sons to share with their mother from all the substantial assets they inherited at his death. His faith in his sons was well placed. For fourteen years Agnes wanted for nothing. She “shopped” at the Douglass and Sons Mercantile, then managed by William John Douglass, taking anything she needed without paying. She likewise did the same at her other son’s and son-in-law’s place of business.
William John Douglass, eldest son of Agnes and William, died prematurely in 1905 at Payson.
Surviving her husband by fourteen years, Agnes Cross Douglass died in Payson on 5 September 1906. Her death was caused by bronchitis, which she had battled for eleven days. She was eighty-eight (actually ninety) years, 4 months and twenty-nine days old at her death. Agnes was also buried in the Payson City Cemetery on 7 September 1906[47].
The obituary of Agnes reads:
DEATH OF MRS. DOUGLASS – One of Payson’s Oldest and Most Respected Citizens Passes Away in Her Eighty-Eighth Year. Payson, Sept. 5 --- At 9:15 o’clock today occurred the death of one of the oldest and most respected citizens of this place, in the person of Mrs. Agnes C. Douglass, who died at the family residence at the ripe old age of 88 years (actually 90 years) and 5 months, and whose health for several years past had been declining, but not until the last few months at periods, had been alarming. Mrs. Douglass was born in County Antrim, Ireland, April 6, 1818 (sic). She emigrated (sic) with her husband to the United States in 1844, thence to Utah in 1848, settling in Salt Lake City, where she lived until moving to Payson ten years later. Her husband, William Douglass, died Aug. 19, fourteen years ago. The deceased leaves four married children, residing here, as follows: Samuel Douglass, Joseph S. Douglass, Mrs. Hyrum Lemmon and Mrs. M. D. Dixon, together with a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren. The funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock in the Second Ward meeting house.
A second obituary appeared in the same newspaper the next day. In addition to the same biographical account presented in the first obituary are these touching words, “This week it is our sad duty to chronicle the death of one of Payson’s most respected and useful ladies, Mrs. Agnes C. Douglass, who passed quietly away at her residence on Main Street Wednesday morning at 9:15 o’clock. Mrs. Douglass was one of our most useful and respected ladies who was ever ready to do any work for the good of humanity, her town or her state; she was in every way a true pioneer and a faithful and consistent Latter-day Saint and died a true exponent of the faith she had espoused. Friends of the deceased may view the remains at the family residence from 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., Friday. Funeral services will be held at the Second Ward Meeting House Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. All friends are invited.”
A third obituary, complete with a large two-column-wide picture of Agnes, appeared in The Deseret News, the Salt Lake City newspaper[48]. It likewise provided detailed biographical data, including the names of her parents and her Irish birthplace, and glowing praise for her life and accomplishments.
Agnes’ death was also reported on page seven in The Supplement to the Church Chronology, 1906-1913:
Agnes Cross Douglass, a Utah pioneer of 1848, died in Salt Lake City (sic)[49].
The Improvement Era, November 1906[50] likewise reported Agnes’ death and gave a brief biographical account. This too incorrectly gives her death place as Salt Lake City.
A very tall, impressive memorial headstone stands at the gravesites of William, Agnes and some of their children. It is perhaps the tallest in the cemetery. Now, ninety-seven years after Agnes’ death, the headstone is clearly readable and testifies to the birthplaces in Ireland of both she and her husband. Click the picture link on the home page of this site for a picture of this memorial.
We will be eternally blessed because of the faith and exemplary lives of William and Agnes Douglass. We find great comfort and promise in the testimony given by Agnes to her descendants shared in her autobiography. She proclaimed:
“And now I bear my testimony to the truth of the Gospel of the Son of God and I do know that this is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that[51] has been on the earth in these the last days through the instrumentality of Joseph Smith the Prophet of God, and I do know that when Joseph Smith the Prophet sealed his testimony with his blood for the truth of the Gospel of the Son of God, his mantle and authority fell on President Brigham Young and that it also descended on to President John Taylor at Brigham Young’s death.”
“And now my beloved children, when you receive these words my body may be mouldering (sic) in the dust but remember the testimony I bear unto you and be faithful, and listen to the council (sic) of the servants of God, and give heed to the whisperings of the still small voice of the Spirit that prompts you to walk in the path of rectitude that you may be lead (sic) in the path that leadeth to Eternal Life. (signed) Agnes Douglass”
We add our Amen to her testimony and are striving to live our lives as faithfully as William and Agnes did. We are humbled and thankful that when it is the time for our Spirits to go and join William and Agnes’, our beloved immigrant ancestors and Mormon converts, our bodies will be laid to rest beside theirs in the Douglass section in the Payson City Cemetery. Can there be any greater blessing? We think not!
Ronald Douglas and Marlene McCormick Coleman
St. George, Utah – 21 February 2003
Patriarchal Blessing of William Douglass
Great Salt Lake, 3 June 1849
A blessing by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of William, son of Samuel and Agnes (Gamble) Douglass, born Antrim, Ireland, February 1, 1818. Brother William, I place my hands upon they head by virtue of the Priesthood conferred upon me in the name of Jesus Christ. Inasmuch as thou has obeyed the Gospel and left they native land for the cause of truth and righteousness, choosing to suffer with the Saints than to live with the ungodly, the Lord thy God is well pleased and he hath given his angels charge over thee to defend thee and they will communicate to thee to messages from on high which shall rejoice they heart and the heart of they companion and all thine household. And thou shalt be lifted up at the last day. God hath appointed thee a mission to thy native land – on to where ever it seemeth good unto thee. Thou shalt be a mighty man in rolling forth the cause of Zion in gathering the remnant of Jacob from among the gentiles. Thou shalt have the wisdom to confound all that oppose thee with power to deliver they self from all thine enemies. Thou art of the blood of Joseph and thou shalt be able to do any miracle that is necessary for the accomplishment of they mission. Thou shalt bring thousands to Zion with much riches. No good thing shalt be withheld from thee. Thou shalt live until thou art satisfied with every blessing. Thou shalt live and reign on the Earth with Christ a thousand years through faith n the name of Jesus and inherit a celestial Glory for thou art an heir to the Priesthood, even so, Amen. John L. Smith, Recorder. (Vol. 11 page 9, Church Historian’s Office)
Patriarchal Blessing of Agnes Cross Douglass
Great Salt Lake – June 3, 1849
A blessing by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of Agnes Douglass, daughter of John and Margaret S. Cross, born Ireland, April 6, 1818.
Sister Agnes, beloved of the Lord, I place my hands upon they head by the authority of the Patriarchal Priesthood. And inasmuch as thou art patient I seal upon thee the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant and all the blessings which are sealed upon thy companion for thou art of the same blood and lineage and shalt have a right to all the power that is sealed upon him. Commendeth (?) him thou shalt be a comfort to him – for many years raise up sons and daughters unto him and they shalt become exceeding numerous and a mighty people in the house of Israel even captains of the hosts of Israel. They shalt go forth like mighty men, no power on Earth shal prevail against them, they shalt have power to bring thy Fathers toa knowledge of the fullness of the gospel and they shalt partake of every of all the blessing and glory that J S sealed upon the Saints in the last days for their enjoyment. Thou shalt have riches of every kind with they companion. Thy table shalt be well supplied with every good thing. Thou shalt be a mistress in a large house, have men and maid servants that will delight to do thy will. Thou shalt have very desire of thine heart and wisdom to direct all. In all cases be satisfied with life and inasmuch as thou art faithful I seal upon you Eternal lives, even so, amen. –John L. Smith, recorder. (Book 11 page 9 Patriarchal Blessings – Church Historian’s Office)
Patriarchal Blessing of Agnes Cross Douglass
Payson City – December 7, 1869
A blessing given by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of Agnes Douglass, daughter of John and Margaret Sarah Cross, born County Antrim, Ireland April 6, 1818.
Sister Agnes, in the name of Jesus Christ I lay my hands upon thy head and pronounce and seal a blessing upon thee which shall be as the Spirit may indicate, therefore prepare thy mind and look forward to the future that you may comprehend the blessings which are in store for the faithful. Thou art of the house of Israel and entitled though thy lineage to the blessings of the Redeemer’s kingdom and of the new and everlasting covenant and I say unto thee, be of good faith and of good cheer for the Lord knoweth the integrity of thy heart and will give unto thee the desires of thy heart in righteousness, therefore let thy faith fail not and thou shalt live to a good old age. Thy children shall rise up and bless thee and thou shalt be crowned hereafter among the Mothers in Israel. Be prudent and adhere strictly unto the prompter which is within thee and the Angel of the presence shall give thee counsel in time of need and buoy thee up when thou art down and give thee grace and strength sufficient for thy day and thou shalt be made equal unto every task and be blessed I thy outgoings and incomings. And in the market and store and store (?) shelf be enabled to impart freely unto the poor and needy and thy table shall be spread with the bounties of the Earth. Thou art of Ephraim and shall have an inheritance on Mount Zion. This blessing I seal upon thy head and I seal thee up unto Eternal Life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection. Even so, Amen.
Patriarchal Blessing of Agnes Cross Douglass
Payson, Utah – February 19, 1897
A blessing by Patriarch Charles D. Evans upon the head of Agnes C. Douglass, daut. (sic) of John Cross and Margaret S. McCune born Antrim, Ireland, 6th April 1818. Sister Agnes, in the name of Jesus Christ and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood, I lay my hands upon thy head and seal upon thee a blessing. For thou art of the blood of Ephraim and by thy own choice has taken a body in the last dispensation, and thou art one of the great Mothers in Israel. Thy name will be written high above many; from thy birth thy angel has watched over thee and opened thy mind to the glorious truths of the Gospel. The heavens will be opened unto thee and thou shalt stand among the saviours of thy sex and a light shineth upon all created things to give man life, so will the light of Christ shine through thee until thou are sanctified and because thou art pure thou wilt see God. His glory will be upon thee and his loving words declare thy work well done. Thou wilt sit in the councils of the holy ones, angels be thy messengers. Thou wilt wear a royal crown and sway a septre (sic) as a queen in light. To thy dominions there will be no end. Thy face will shine as the pure, for thy work is accepted, and thy name recorded with the elect. Thou wilt stand at the head of thy great ancestry. Thy fathers fought for truth and bled for liberty. Thy wisdom wilt shine forth as the light of precious gems before a burning flame, for thy election is sure, and this seal will add blessing upon thee. Thou wilt find comfort in dreams in the midnight hour, for the spirits of the just will be near thee. And I seal thee up to come forth in the first resurrection n the name of Jesus Christ, amen. (Vol. 82 page 81)
[1] Six-Mile Water, also called Six-Mile Burn, is a small river running slightly west-southwest from the port town of Larne on the east coast, inland through the town of Antrim to Loch (Lake) Neagh (pronounced Nay).
[2] A townland is a unit of land varying considerably in size, averaging 350 Irish acres, which when combined form larger territorial divisions such as a village, town, city, parish, barony, county and province. Ballybentra Townland contains 323 Irish acres. There are 9,521 townlands in Northern Ireland and about 64,000 in all of Ireland. Ballybentra was originally spelled Ballybentragh and is sometimes still found listed that way on maps.
[3] Pronounced Daw-nee-gore.
[4] Now Northern Ireland.
[5] The mailing address of Summerdale is 22 Ballybentra Road, Templepatrick, Ballyclare, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. Ballybentra is in the Diocese of Connor, Barony of Upper Antrim and in the civil registration district of Templepatrick, and found on Irish Ordinance Map #50.
[6] See a picture of the exterior of Summerdale at “About this Site”.
[7] Sometimes spelled Gambel. Agnes, daughter of John Gamble and Esther Farr, was born about 1799 at Islandreagh, County Antrim.
[8] Mary was born in 1807 at Doagh, Templepatrick Parish, County Antrim, and died 22 August 1870 at Thornfield, Carnmoney, County Antrim. Fourteen years after Samuel Douglass’ death at Ballybentra, Mary Farrell Douglass married Arthur Molyneaux.
[9] Matilda Douglass, born 8 January 1826 at Ballybentra, married James Stevenson, Jr. at Ballybentra on 29 December 1846. Matilda never had children, but raised her husband’s children from his first marriage. David Alexander Douglass, born 27 January 1827 at Ballybentra, died 18 May 1850 at the same place. He studied to be a doctor and died without marrying just after being licensed to practice medicine. John Farrell Douglass was born 22 March 1829 at Ballybentra and died 30 September 1888, at New Orleans, Louisiana, where he had been a shipping clerk since 1855. Paul Douglass was born at Ballybentra 3 September 1834. The last evidence we have of him was in 1855 when he signed off on the Ballybentra property settlement.
[10] Samuel was born in 1798 at Ballybentra and died there 11 February 1841. His parents were Paul Douglass and Matilda Ferguson.
[11]This equates to 51 acres 2 roods 32 perches in Irish Acre measurement. In 1855, the widow Mary Farrrell and children, sold the property to the Henderson family. Subsequently the Henderesons sold off the twenty-four acre parcel in the townsland of Ballysavage which was also part of the Douglass farm.
[12] Orson F. Whitney, History of Utah, Volume 4, page 408.
[13] Pronounced Carn-moan-ney.
[14] John was born in May 1798 in County, Antrim, Ireland, to William Cross and his wife Agnes Farrell. The surname Cross is very rare in County Antrim. The surname Cross may have originally been of Huguenot origin and spelled La Croix.
[15] Margaret Sarah McCune was born in Carnmoney, County Antrim on 24 February 1797. Her parents were John McCune and Jane McCullough.
[16] Jane Cross was born in February 1834, christened at Carnmoney 28 August 1834 and died at Whitehouse, Carnmoney, County Antrim in March 1828. William Cross, christened 14 February 1819 at Whitehouse, married Sophia Hunter about 1840. Thomas Cross was also christened at Whitehouse in 1819, but on the thirtieth day of May. He married Jane McBride about 1840. A female child was born and died about 1820. Margaret Cross was christened at Whitehouse on 10 November 1822 and died in Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland about 1890. She married in Campsie, Stirlingshire, Scotland to Andrew McNeil on 30 November 1844. Anne Jane Cross was christened at Whitehouse on 23 March 1828 and died nine years later. Mary McCune Cross was christened at Whitehouse on 13 June 1830 and died at the same place on 23 July 1865. Sarah Cross was born in April 1833 at Whitehouse and died 13 January 1847 at Whitehouse.
[17] Written at Payson, Utah, 13 March 1881 and placed in the Relief Society time capsule put into the cornerstone of the Relief Society Building, to be given to her grandchildren when the box was eventually opened. In 1930, it was opened, and following Agnes’ instructions, church leaders located her surviving grandchildren and gave them the letter. A copy of the original is in the private library of Ronald and Marlene Coleman, St. George, Utah.
[18] Orson F. Whitney, History of Utah. Volume 4, page 468.
[19] The Established Church of Scotland is also known as the Presbyterian Church.
[20] David Wilkie, also spelled Wilkey and Wilken, was a native of Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, located seven miles west of Glasgow. David Wilkie was one of the first Scottish LDS converts and was baptized by Orson Pratt in Paisley. Paisley was a large city and was then a world center for making thread. Paisley patterns were important products in the 1800’s. Campsie is located nine miles west of Glasgow and was probably a good place for William, a tailor, to be due to its adjacent location to Paisley.
[21] Mormon Immigration Index – Families. (Ship Norfolk –September 1844) Agnes Douglass, Female, age 26, William Douglass, male, age 25, occupation Tailor.
[22] Mormon Immigration Index – Voyages. Ship: Norfolk. Date of departure:19 September 1844. Port of Departure: Liverpool, England. LDS Immigrants: 143. Date of Arrival: 11 November 1849. Port of Arrival: New Orleans, Louisiana. Sources: Customs #98 (FHL#200,152); NSHP; AF (various families). Notes: “Emigration – The fine ship Norfolk, Captain Elliot, sailed from this port on the 19th September, under very favorable circumstances, at a quarter past three p.m., having on board about 143 souls put on by us. We rejoice to see so practical an illustration of the faith of the Saints being unshaken by the late tragical events in the West, and that the Saints are not living according to the precepts of men, but the word of the Lord. Any anxious to emigrate about the 12th instant, can have an opportunity of doing so, by making early application. Early in January next we expect to charter a ship, and should be glad to receive notice as soon as possible of all who intend to go at that time.”
[23] Our Pioneer Heritage, Volume 13, page 326.
[24] Church Historian’s Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, microfilm C.R. (Church Record) #499 reel 95.
[25] Orson F. Whitney, History of Utah, Volume 4, page 468.
[26] Orson F. Whitney, History of Utah, Volume 4, page 468.
[27] Daily Herald, Wednesday, March 29, 1967, Utah County, Utah, page 6, article entitled “Land In Utah Was Dirt Cheap In Pioneer Era”.
[28] Letter dated December 12, 1963, on Security Title Company letterhead, from Mark D. Errertsen, President, 45 East Fourth South, Salt Lake City, Utah, to Mr. Charles H. Dixon, President First Security State Bank, 2 East Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah. Attached is a copy of a Plat Map showing the exact Douglass property. A copy of the letter and map is in the possession of Ronald Coleman. Interested persons can request a copy from him.
[29] Orson F. Whitney, History of Utah, Volume 4, Page 469.
[30] Samuel Douglass was born 1 March 1850 and died 8 August 1918 in Payson. Matilda Douglass was born 22 May 1851 and died in St. George, Utah on 13 February 1932. Eliza R. Douglass was born and died on 23 July 1853. Joseph Smith Douglass was born 22 May 1855 and died 19 December 1919 in Payson. Mary Elizabeth “Mamie” Douglass Lemmon, born 19 August 1857, died 7 April 1930 in Payson. Samuel and Eliza R. were buried in Salt Lake City, along with their older sister, Margaret Sarah Douglass who had been born in Ballybentra, Ireland. Matilda Douglass Dixon and Joseph Smith Douglass were buried in Payson Cemetery, Payson, as was William John Douglass who had been born in Pottawattamie, Council Bluffs, Nebraska. Baby Agnes Douglass who had been born in Nauvoo 28 December 1845, died in St. Louis, Missouri, 24 February 1847 and was buried in the Old Methodist Burying Ground in St. Louis.
[31] Orson F. Whitney, History of Utah, Volume 4, page 469.
[32] Daughters of Utah Pioneers Lessons for November (1951), compiled by Kate B. Carter, page 98. This original DUP lesson booklet is in the personal library of Ronald and Marlene Coleman, St. George, Utah.
[33] Peteetneet Town A History of Payson, Utah by Madoline Cloward Dixon, 1974, Press Publishing Company, Provo, Utah, page 21.
[34] Orson F. Whitney, History of Utah, Volume 4, page 469.
[35] An untitled account that lacks the name of the author or other identifying information.
[36] Orson F. Whitney, History of Utah, Volume 4, page 469.
[37] Tullidges’ Quarterly Magazine featured him in an article as follows: “William Douglass resigned the superintendency (sic) of the Payson Co-op and started in business for himself with his sons, on Main Street under the firm name of ‘Douglass and Sons’. During the last year he has built a fine commodious store on his old business stand. It is one of the handsomest stores in Utah County, generally said to be the handsomest. Douglass and sons have stocked it well with a fine assortment of goods. Mr. Douglass, commercial carrier, has shown a great deal of sagacity and business foresight and while he has been very prudent, he has manifested decided enterprise in his own methods of business. He is not a man to be ‘left’.”
[38] Daily Herald, Thursday, June 10, 1965, Utah County, Utah, Page 5, article entitled, ‘Holiness To The Lord‘, All-Seeing Eye on Many Pioneer Utah Stores, by Kathryn D. Groesbeck. A large picture of William Douglass’ Payson store is included.
[39] A copy of the historical account entitled “Personal Recollections of Grandfather William Douglass and His Wife Agnes Cross Douglass by Effie Douglass Townsend, 223 East Colorado St., Monrovia, California, dated 11 December 1961, was generously sent to us by Larry and Pam Lomax, 23 December 1996. Only a few sentences of the lengthy history have been omitted here.
[40] Orson F. Whitney, History of Utah, Volume 4, page 469.
[41] The remains of William’s store was condemned and razed in the fall of 1984. Marie Douglass Stevenson Stewart reported in an undated article that, “Though bricks and stones crumble under the trod of time, American free enterprise is a timeless heritage. Four brothers, the sons of the little grandson William raised, have repossessed some of the original property, and are in business on many of the same sites that their family was fifty years ago. They are: Charles Dixon, cashier of The Commercial Bank of Utah; Quayle Dixon, manager of the Farmer’s Merc Co-op; Blanchard Dixon, owner and operator of Payson Cold Storage, and Douglass Dixon, owner and operator of Dixon’s Market. The bank and Farmer’s Merc occupy the corner of William’s and first store. Part of the cold storage plant is Mary Elizabeth’s building. The Dixon Market was owned by the boy’s father and is where all of them got their start”.
[42] Diary written by Edward Stevens, one of Payson’s early pioneers, copy in the library of the International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Salt Lake City, Utah. Photocopy in possession of Ronald and Marlene Coleman.
[43] Peteetneet Town A History of Payson, Utah by Madoline Cloward Dixon, Press Publishing Company, Provo, Utah, 1974.
[44] Coincidentally, Rachel Cook Drollinger is a direct ancestor of Marlene McCormick Coleman.
[45] Orson F. Whitney, History of Utah, Volume 4, page 469.
[46] Utah State Historical Society Burial Database, < www.history.utah.gov >, William Douglass died 1892, buried Payson City Cemetery, 10-26-1.
[47] State of Utah Death Certificate of Agnes C. Douglass numbered 242. The informant was Hyrum Lemmon of Payson, her son-in-law. Her parents are correctly identified as John Cross and Margaret S. McCune, both born in Ireland. A copy of this certificate is in possession of Ronald Douglas Coleman, St. George, Utah.
[48] Deseret News, 22 September 1906, page 5.
[49] Compiled by Andrew Jensen, Assistant Church Historian. The place of Agnes’ death listed her is in error. Her death certificate and three obituaries clearly list her death place as Payson, Utah.
[50] Page 7 under “Events and Comments”.
[51] Utah State Historical Society Burials Database, < www.history.utah.gov >, Agnes C. Douglass born 6 April 1818died 15 September 1906, buried Payson City Cemetery 16-26-2, Father John Cross, Source Sexton/Grant.