After careful consideration of all the candidates in the field, The RGD Factor officially supports Mitt Romney in his bid for President.
Okay, now that all formalities have been taken care for the lighter side of the news. I read this on and couldn't stop laughing. I even forwarded it to the Romney campaign. I think Mitt should do at least one of these. I really like the timber wolf idea.
I actually do care about the Florida primary and hope Romney wins. I just really don't like McCain and Huckabee (and have no strong opinion about Giuliani -- much like most Florida voters).
I just wish there was some aspect to Romney to get behind other than "acceptable to conservatives." Liberals seem to hate him, but liberals also hate Bush so liberal hate alone only gets you so far in my book.
What Romney needs is an image change. First thing: Grow a goatee and shave your head. That will make you stand out from the paint by numbers presidential candidates. Next, lose the suit and wear something more appropriate for a member of Hell's Angels. Thirdly, tame a timber wolf and have it follow you around on the campaign trail. Finally, lose the long winded speeched. Instead, just shout to assembled crowds words like "CRUSH!" and "DESTROY!" (those really are great applause lines). If you feel you must say something more, say, "I am Death! My coming cannot be stopped!"
If Romney can pull that off, I'll not only vote for him, I'll donate to his campaign.