In case you needed another reason to get rid of your TV

Mario: Game Over
Have you ever wondered what became of Mario and the Princess after Mario saved her?
Here is is. (WARNING: The bad language is censored, but you can still figure out what they're saying.)
Here is is. (WARNING: The bad language is censored, but you can still figure out what they're saying.)
The untimely demise of Bob Barker, may he rest in peace

Current mood: sad
Category: somber Movies, TV, Celebrities
Bob Barker, born December 12, 1923 - death May 7, 2007
Bob Barker was, by far, my favorite game show host. He was almost like a grandfather. He was very calm with people and remembered to have his pets spayed and neutered. Bob passed away today after being eaten by wolves as he was doing some gardening at his Beverley Hills home.
Barker hosted The Price Is Right from September 4, 1972 and announced that he would retire this year.
I appeared as a contestant on The Price Is Right in 1990 but never was able to get on stage. I received a lifetime supply of Turtle Wax as a consolation prize.
We'll miss you Mr. Barker. You were best in Happy Gilmore. Ciao!
Currently listening : Price Is Right By Alan Price Release date: By 01 October, 1996
Top 10 signs that your blog isn’t very popular
10. When checking your hitcounter, you can identify your regular readers by their IP addresses.
9. Your site has a PageRank of -3.
8. You have on more than one occasion unsuccessfully attempted to Slashdot or Instalanche your blog.
7. The bulk of your traffic is the result of obscure fetish seekers, and your blog happens to be the only site on the internet containing the words sexy German toes squishing creamed corn, but not necessarily in that order.
6. The last twenty visitors to your site? ALL YOU!
5. You log into your Adsense account and it says you owe Google $7.
4. The Truth Laid Bear had to create a special Ecosystem ranking just for you: Antimatter.
3. You shamelessly link and/or trackback to Instapundit, Malkin, Dooce, and Wil Wheaton, in the hopes of the off chance that they will see the link and visit your site.
2. No one ever responds to your meme tags.
And the number one sign that your blog isn’t popular:
Posting “FIRST!!!” in your comment threads is no great feat.
9. Your site has a PageRank of -3.
8. You have on more than one occasion unsuccessfully attempted to Slashdot or Instalanche your blog.
7. The bulk of your traffic is the result of obscure fetish seekers, and your blog happens to be the only site on the internet containing the words sexy German toes squishing creamed corn, but not necessarily in that order.
6. The last twenty visitors to your site? ALL YOU!
5. You log into your Adsense account and it says you owe Google $7.
4. The Truth Laid Bear had to create a special Ecosystem ranking just for you: Antimatter.
3. You shamelessly link and/or trackback to Instapundit, Malkin, Dooce, and Wil Wheaton, in the hopes of the off chance that they will see the link and visit your site.
2. No one ever responds to your meme tags.
And the number one sign that your blog isn’t popular:
Posting “FIRST!!!” in your comment threads is no great feat.
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