A Few Good Bradys
I thought this one was funny. Your "Goll Darn right I did!". But it was more appropriate for FAAH than the CDB.
Rosie Equates Radical Islam With Christianity.
It is amazing that people can make radical claims like this and not support them with any evidence at all! Lets examine the facts, had it not been for Christianity, democracy never would have been realized and flourish. This is evident in the fact that christian nations are free nations and tyrannical governments represent largely non-christian countries. This is an some older footage, but a very insightful look into the anti-christian craziness in this country.
And now a word from our sponsor

Thirst Rockers is a proud sponsor of the Feeble Attempts at Humor blog since 1643. Thirst Rockers, when you don't want to quench your thirst, you want to rock it.
Thirst Rockers is not a sponsor of Real Salt Lake and their name will not appear on the front of their jerseys. Thirst Rockers is also not a sponsor of NASCAR. Thirst Rockers has been found to cause priapism in laboratory rats and irregular coloring of bowel movements in bovines. Drink responsibly.
Shine On You Crazy Diamond!

The more I think about it, the more I just realize that my post was sacreligious. Let's compare Super Dell and Syd Barret instead. Super Dell, shine on you crazy diamond, shine on. Both Syd and Super went mad. Syd overdosed on LSD while Super overdosed on LDS. Syd wins!
(I've edited this dang post about 10 times now. Maybe that's a good indication that it's not funny.)
Defending Timpview against "Super" Dell Schanze
After reading this, I have a few thoughts on "Super" Dell Schanze
I went to Timpview High School and had a few classes with "Super" Dell Schanze. He and I are both 36 years old. From my point-of-view, he had his own little clique of friends from Dixon Jr. High (most of Timpview went to Farrer Jr. High back then[I went to neither]). I actually did go out of my way to talk to Dell and be friends with him and was treated as an inferior by him. It's interesting that the way he perceived the student-body of Timpview is the way he acted toward me. My biggest problem with his statement is that he has mis-characterized the student body and administration of Timpview as being snobbish, boorish, superficial, and cliquish. Of any school I have attended before or since, Timpview was the friendliest and easiest place ever to make friends. Most of the student body back then) was LDS and very homogeneous in that regard. For me this is what made Timpview such a wonderful place. In many ways it was like Brigham Young High School because so many professor's kids attended school there. I am all for diversity, but for me the homogeneity of Timpview both culturally and ethnically made it a place where I found many people similar to me. Also of note, I lived by the Ironton Hill in South Provo. This is a low to middle-class area of Provo. My family was on government assistance. There is a stereotype people have of Timpview students being rich and elitist. I understand Dell came from similar circumstances. It was the rich kids that reached out to me and were kindest to me during my stint at Timpview.
R.D. aka Mr. G.
P.S. I have copied this email to the current Principal, Principal Bayles of Timpview. I hope that it gives some insight and balance to Mr. Schanze's diatribe.
I went to Timpview High School and had a few classes with "Super" Dell Schanze. He and I are both 36 years old. From my point-of-view, he had his own little clique of friends from Dixon Jr. High (most of Timpview went to Farrer Jr. High back then[I went to neither]). I actually did go out of my way to talk to Dell and be friends with him and was treated as an inferior by him. It's interesting that the way he perceived the student-body of Timpview is the way he acted toward me. My biggest problem with his statement is that he has mis-characterized the student body and administration of Timpview as being snobbish, boorish, superficial, and cliquish. Of any school I have attended before or since, Timpview was the friendliest and easiest place ever to make friends. Most of the student body back then) was LDS and very homogeneous in that regard. For me this is what made Timpview such a wonderful place. In many ways it was like Brigham Young High School because so many professor's kids attended school there. I am all for diversity, but for me the homogeneity of Timpview both culturally and ethnically made it a place where I found many people similar to me. Also of note, I lived by the Ironton Hill in South Provo. This is a low to middle-class area of Provo. My family was on government assistance. There is a stereotype people have of Timpview students being rich and elitist. I understand Dell came from similar circumstances. It was the rich kids that reached out to me and were kindest to me during my stint at Timpview.
R.D. aka Mr. G.
P.S. I have copied this email to the current Principal, Principal Bayles of Timpview. I hope that it gives some insight and balance to Mr. Schanze's diatribe.
Today's Featured Article on Wikipedia
Hey, the Latter-day Saints made the front page of Wikipedia today!
I like rap music as much as the next frightened white caucasian
but would it kill you to play some Foghat?
(WARNING: OBSCENE LANGUAGE) I thought it was going to get bleeped.
(WARNING: OBSCENE LANGUAGE) I thought it was going to get bleeped.
Good To Go
Paul McCartney said that he loves (O.K. likes) this band. Here's the exact quote:
I made this video as a tribute to a great British band, Steadman. The photographs and video are taken in the Lake Mountains just outside Eagle Mountain, Utah.
Steadman is giving away their music for free. If you like this song, go to Steadman's Site
"The band Steadman have the songs, the musicianship, the energy and the enthusiasm to blow the top off any club, or arena, and, if given a listen, have that rare quality -- the ability to deliver! I like this band!!"
I made this video as a tribute to a great British band, Steadman. The photographs and video are taken in the Lake Mountains just outside Eagle Mountain, Utah.
Steadman is giving away their music for free. If you like this song, go to Steadman's Site
Jay Leno's attempt at being David Letterman
I hate to break it to you Jay, but Letterman was doing this stuff when you were still doing standup comedy at Hollywood strip clubs.
Freddy Adu goes to Real Salt Lake
For those of you that aren't familiar with Freddy Adu, this is similar to LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony, or Kobe Bryant (take your pick) going to the Utah Jazz. It's a HUGE deal. This article was taken from KUTV's Web site. David James is the author. If this doesn't put Real Salt Lake on par with the Utah Jazz and BYU Football as far as sports in Utah go, nothing will. Did I mention this is BIG news?

Is Freddy Adu the next Urban Meyer?
Utah Wins If Real Salt Lake Has A Stadium Downtown
Great Sports Movies and Will RSL Get a Stadium?
More Zidane Headbutting Humor
Real Salt Lake acquired teenage phenom Freddy Adu from D.C. United, and quickly, the e-mail started flowing in
Since you're the only person that publicly claims to follow soccer, I was curious about your thoughts on if the RSL trade for Freddy is going to become a short stint? If he can opt out and leave to go to the Premier Leagues in Europe, is this just a move by RSL to sell tickets for a few months until he's 18 and gone, or can they lock him down for awhile? Or even if he's here for a season does this mean he gets RSL to the playoffs and then is outta here? In short is Freddy just another Urban?
Well Billy, in short, RSL should be so lucky.
I don’t understand the constant criticism of Urban and his short tenure. College football is a big business. Urban had outs in his contract to go to Michigan and Ohio State, so it was no secret he had his eye on a bigger stage. He was a climber. Of course you only climb if you win big and Urban led the Utes to their first perfect season since 1930. Urban went 22-2, won a pair of league titles, the Utes’ first outright titles in 46 years, and headed for Florida.
Why can’t a guy with two great seasons leave for a higher paying job? Coaches who have two lousy seasons get fired. Walt Harris was just whacked at Stanford after two years and Ty Willingham was history after, what were by Notre Dame standards, a couple of sub-par years.
Urban’s mistake was dropping the “I want to go to Florida because I can recruit locally and I’ll have time to teach my son to throw a curve ball”. Weak. He left for more money and a chance to win the national title. Just say it.
Was this an Urban blog or a soccer blog?
If Freddy Adu can come in, win a championship, pack the stadium, increase season tickets and turn the spotlight on a team that takes a back seat to the Jazz and BYU football, in short, if he can pull an Urban, then more power to him and this is the best move RSL ever made.
Like Urban, Freddy Adu’s goals are clear. He is a climber. He wants to play in Europe. England. Chelsea. Like Urban he wants to go all the way to the top. Fine, but if you can’t dominate in Major League Soccer, how are you going to get your boots on the pitch in the Barkley’s Premiereship? (Loosely translated into American: shoes on the field in the top English league)
Interestingly, RSL missed the playoffs because of their defense. RSL scored 45 goals, tied for the third best total in MLS. RSL gave up 49 goals, tied with Colorado for the worst total in MLS. This team needs to improve defensively, not offensively. They just gave up Jay Nolly, a two-time NCAA Champion at Indiana, and a guy who was described as the goalkeeper of the future last summer, but a guy who also gave up goals in bunches. I know, the best offense is a good defense. The offense that controls the ball doesn’t have to play defense as much... blah, blah, blah.
There is also a chance RSL will simply win more 3-2 games instead of losing 1-0 games. It is hard to know whether goals or wins will put more fannies in the seats. Maybe the answer is neither. Maybe celebrities, like a 17 year-old who has been a household name for a quarter of his young life, are the best bet to sell tickets.
Notes: RSL just a cut deal with Xango for jersey logo rights. Did RSL know this move was coming? Is there an escalator clause in the contract, because Adu is going to make that jersey logo much more valuable. Maybe Xango just got a steal.
Nice timing with the stadium. Grab a star just as you open your books for the county. Those projections, who knows if they are accurate? You just traded for a one of a kind player. No one really knows what kid of impact he will have on tickets and sponsors, or how long he will be here.

Is Freddy Adu the next Urban Meyer?
Utah Wins If Real Salt Lake Has A Stadium Downtown
Great Sports Movies and Will RSL Get a Stadium?
More Zidane Headbutting Humor
Real Salt Lake acquired teenage phenom Freddy Adu from D.C. United, and quickly, the e-mail started flowing in
Since you're the only person that publicly claims to follow soccer, I was curious about your thoughts on if the RSL trade for Freddy is going to become a short stint? If he can opt out and leave to go to the Premier Leagues in Europe, is this just a move by RSL to sell tickets for a few months until he's 18 and gone, or can they lock him down for awhile? Or even if he's here for a season does this mean he gets RSL to the playoffs and then is outta here? In short is Freddy just another Urban?
Well Billy, in short, RSL should be so lucky.
I don’t understand the constant criticism of Urban and his short tenure. College football is a big business. Urban had outs in his contract to go to Michigan and Ohio State, so it was no secret he had his eye on a bigger stage. He was a climber. Of course you only climb if you win big and Urban led the Utes to their first perfect season since 1930. Urban went 22-2, won a pair of league titles, the Utes’ first outright titles in 46 years, and headed for Florida.
Why can’t a guy with two great seasons leave for a higher paying job? Coaches who have two lousy seasons get fired. Walt Harris was just whacked at Stanford after two years and Ty Willingham was history after, what were by Notre Dame standards, a couple of sub-par years.
Urban’s mistake was dropping the “I want to go to Florida because I can recruit locally and I’ll have time to teach my son to throw a curve ball”. Weak. He left for more money and a chance to win the national title. Just say it.
Was this an Urban blog or a soccer blog?
If Freddy Adu can come in, win a championship, pack the stadium, increase season tickets and turn the spotlight on a team that takes a back seat to the Jazz and BYU football, in short, if he can pull an Urban, then more power to him and this is the best move RSL ever made.
Like Urban, Freddy Adu’s goals are clear. He is a climber. He wants to play in Europe. England. Chelsea. Like Urban he wants to go all the way to the top. Fine, but if you can’t dominate in Major League Soccer, how are you going to get your boots on the pitch in the Barkley’s Premiereship? (Loosely translated into American: shoes on the field in the top English league)
Interestingly, RSL missed the playoffs because of their defense. RSL scored 45 goals, tied for the third best total in MLS. RSL gave up 49 goals, tied with Colorado for the worst total in MLS. This team needs to improve defensively, not offensively. They just gave up Jay Nolly, a two-time NCAA Champion at Indiana, and a guy who was described as the goalkeeper of the future last summer, but a guy who also gave up goals in bunches. I know, the best offense is a good defense. The offense that controls the ball doesn’t have to play defense as much... blah, blah, blah.
There is also a chance RSL will simply win more 3-2 games instead of losing 1-0 games. It is hard to know whether goals or wins will put more fannies in the seats. Maybe the answer is neither. Maybe celebrities, like a 17 year-old who has been a household name for a quarter of his young life, are the best bet to sell tickets.
Notes: RSL just a cut deal with Xango for jersey logo rights. Did RSL know this move was coming? Is there an escalator clause in the contract, because Adu is going to make that jersey logo much more valuable. Maybe Xango just got a steal.
Nice timing with the stadium. Grab a star just as you open your books for the county. Those projections, who knows if they are accurate? You just traded for a one of a kind player. No one really knows what kid of impact he will have on tickets and sponsors, or how long he will be here.
Neiman Marcus Cookies
You know that one email that's going around? No, not that one email, that other one email that says they paid $250 for a Neiman Marcus recipe. Well, I think the email is full of it, but the cookies are actually pretty good. I made a batch tonight and Mr. G and his posse ate quite a few of them.
Here's the recipe:
Neiman Marcus Chocolate Chip Cookies
(sans noix (without nuts))
* 1 Cup Butter
* 1 tsp soda
* 2.5 cups blended oatmeal
* 1 cup brown sugar
* 10 oz Hershey bar shredded
* 1 tsp baking powder
* 1 tsp vanilla
* 2 cups flour
* 1 cup sugar
* 12 oz chocolate chips
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 2 eggs
1. chop up oatmeal in blender into fine powder.
2. cream butter and both sugars
3. add eggs and vanilla
4. mix together with flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and baking soda
5. add chocolate chips
6. add Hershey bar
7. roll into balls and place on cookie sheet for 10 minutes at 375 degrees
Here's the recipe:
Neiman Marcus Chocolate Chip Cookies
(sans noix (without nuts))
* 1 Cup Butter
* 1 tsp soda
* 2.5 cups blended oatmeal
* 1 cup brown sugar
* 10 oz Hershey bar shredded
* 1 tsp baking powder
* 1 tsp vanilla
* 2 cups flour
* 1 cup sugar
* 12 oz chocolate chips
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 2 eggs
1. chop up oatmeal in blender into fine powder.
2. cream butter and both sugars
3. add eggs and vanilla
4. mix together with flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and baking soda
5. add chocolate chips
6. add Hershey bar
7. roll into balls and place on cookie sheet for 10 minutes at 375 degrees
Best Meteor Shower of 2006

This will be happening tomorrow and Thursday night. It's cloudy here right now, so it might not be too good for me, but meteor showers are always a treat when you can see them. Here's the article: http://skytonight.com/observing/highlights/4882906.html
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