No Free Speach at Rice-Eccles

A few fans decided to fly the Tibetan flag at the China vs. RSL friendly match. China didn't like that and refused to play. Here's what happened:

God Hates Westboro Baptist

If you haven't heard of Westboro Baptist, they are a so-called church that has put up web sites like God Hates Fags dot com, God Hates Sweden dot com, etc. Another modus operandi of Westboro Baptist is to go to the funerals of soldiers who died in Iraq and tell their family members that their son, brother, father is going to hell for fighting in an unjust and unrighteous war. Now, Westboro Baptism is planning on protesting the funeral of a Utahn that died in Iraq.

How exactly does this promote Christ? Did Christ teach us to condemn others and tell their family that they're going to hell. I seem to remember a story about an adulterous woman that was brought to Christ. The people wanted to execute her by stoning. Christ told them that if any of them were free of sin, they should throw the first stone. All of the woman's accusers left. Christ asked the woman where the people that accused her went, she told him that they left. Christ told her that he did not accuse her either, to go her way, and sin no more.

Instead of making accusations and condemning others, shouldn't Westboro be forgiving them? Maybe I'm totaly wrong here, maybe Westboro's intepretation of the bible is diffrent from mine. But it was always my impression that the gospel of the bible, the gospel of Christ, is a gospel of love and forgiveness.

And you know what? I don't think God hates Westboro Baptist either. I think he's probably just really frustrated with them right now.

Warning: Soft Drinks May Seriously Harm You

It looks like I'm going to have to go cold turkey. I already knew that soda-pop was fattening and had no nutritional value, even if this study hasn't been proven yet, why take the risk?

Warning: Soft Drinks May Seriously Harm You
(Article from

You may want to think twice before you sip another soft drink: research reported in the UK's Independent newspaper says a common preservative used in fizzy drinks can switch off essential parts of DNA. The preservative may bring on premature aging and trigger diseases associated with old age.

The problem preservative is sodium benzoate, commonly used for many years by the $160 billion worldwide soft drink industry. Sodium benzoate, derived from benzoic acid, prevents mold in drinks like Coca-Cola, Oasis, Dr. Pepper, etc., and is also used in pickles and sauces.

Alarm bells have already been ringing about it, because it's been discovered that when it's mixed with vitamin C in soft drinks, it creates the carcinogenic substance benzene. Now UK Professor Peter Piper of Sheffield University has sounded an even louder alarm — his experiments show that benzoate damages DNA in the energy-producing mitochondria of cells.

"These chemicals have the ability to cause severe damage to DNA in the mitochondria to the point that they totally inactivate it: they knock it out altogether," Piper said. "The mitochondria consumes the oxygen to give you energy and if you damage it — as happens in a number of diseased states — then the cell starts to malfunction very seriously. And there is a whole array of diseases that are now being tied to damage to this DNA—Parkinson's and quite a lot of neuro-degenerative diseases, but above all the whole process of ageing."

The World Health Organization, the Food Standards Agency in the UK, and the US Food and Drug Administration all say that sodium benzoate is safe. Professor Piper, however, says that FDA tests are out of date.

"The food industry will say these compounds have been tested and they are completely safe," Piper said. "By the criteria of modern safety testing, the safety tests were inadequate. Like all things, safety testing moves forward and you can conduct a much more rigorous safety test than you could 50 years ago."