Note: This is a letter home from my Grandfather, to his mother. His ship was the U.S.S. Oklahoma. His ship was hit by five Imperial Japanese Navy torpedoes. Twelve minutes after she was hit, she was entirely capsized. 429 of her crew were killed or missing.
Dear Mother,
It looks like I made out my allotment for too much money. Will you send me a money order for about $50 or $80? Do not put my rank on the money order -- just my name. Also just put my name on the letters you write. Address your letters just like I have the return address written on.
I haven’t heard from you or Jean for about five weeks now. Have you been writing? How was Christmas and New Years? It looks like I’ll be working both days.
December 6th I stayed overnight with Keith Taylor and went to church the next morning -- so I wasn’t even at Pearl Harbor during the attack.
I tried to find Gerald Stehli, but couldn’t. I’ll have to find out what whip he’s on, or I won’t be able to find him.
P.S. What are Jean and Evan going to do now?

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